

火车时刻表 天气预报 公交线路 地铁线路 旅游地图 汇率换算
旅行工具 > 旅游地图 > 新西兰旅游地图 > 奥克兰旅游地图 > Quad Kitchen and Bar旅游地图
Quad Kitchen and Bar地理位置及简介
地址:10 Waterloo Quadrant,Auckland1010,New Zealand
/////First, took us 3 hours to finish our dinner, the manager were confused with the order and I think it's the language problem. Then, all the 'meat' , I won't call it steaks were cooked not according to what was requested. Too chewy, too well done, don't think the chef is a trained chef. Felt like having a piece a


