

火车时刻表 天气预报 公交线路 地铁线路 旅游地图 汇率换算
旅行工具 > 旅游地图 > 法国旅游地图 > 戛纳旅游地图 > Cercle des Marins旅游地图
Cercle des Marins地理位置及简介
地址:Capitainerie du Port Canto|100 bd. de la Croisette,06400Cannes,France
/////I stopped by there for lunch and the service was very poor. The waiter felt one should not have coffee with lunch and therefore just ignored my order. The salad Nicoise was pre-made and ice cold. Even though most ppl had left, it took a while before I got my change. Not worth half the price.


