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旅行工具 > 旅游地图 > 荷兰旅游地图 > 阿姆斯特丹旅游地图 > Mezrab Cultural Center旅游地图
Mezrab Cultural Center地理位置及简介
地址:Veemkade 572D,1019 BLAmsterdam,The Netherlands
////建议游玩时长Recommended length of visit: 2-3 hours/Mezrab Cultural Center is a place founded (in 2004) by Sahand Sahebdivani. He was born in Iran but fled to the Netherlands with his parents. He was trained as a storyteller in the Dutch Royal Institute of the Tropics. Since years, he organizes storytelling nights (Credo: "free entrance, donations pay the rent"). There are also regular concerts (Arabic, Indian, Jazz


