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旅行工具 > 旅游地图 > 智利旅游地图 > 卡拉马旅游地图 > San Pedro de Atacama旅游地图
San Pedro de Atacama地理位置及简介
1938 habitantes; altitud 2438 m. Capital municipal situada en la desembocadura del mayor río que desagua en el salar de atacama, el río Grande. San Pedro de Atacama (San Pedro for short) is a small village located in one of the many oases which are founded in the altiplano of the second region of Chile. Along this geographic zone rise some of the highest volcanoes of the Los Andes cordillera. Formerly the center of the Atacama culture, today San Pedro's population is about 2.500. Nowadays this small town has a big importance becouse it is considered as the archeological capital of Chile and also becouse of its extreme geographic position , the beauty of the landscape and its eternal blue sky.


